Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chef Plain Jane? I think NOT!

Cooking to me is like some far away mystery that I still haven't uncovered. I guess I need to explain why I lack the skills of a good cook in the kitchen. First off, My mom really didn't cook alot when I was a kid. Well, if she did she only cooked certain dishes that she knew. When you get down to it its like only three dishes so. Needless to say I didn't really have much bonding time and learning experience in the kitchen with my mom. Secondly, I do not want to become some woman who slaves over the kitchen all day and then serves her food nervously looking at her husband and waiting for his approval. Granted I'm not married. But I do sometimes cook for my dad and I catch myself looking at him waiting for him to say something. Which he always says its fine. My food equals fine? OK, see cant you tell that I might indeed really be bad at cooking? Anyway I always end up burning something and I never know what to cook. This has become really clear as I'm now watching the movie Julie and Julia.

The movie is great I believe. The food looked absolutely great too. But It made me think about my skills in cooking. So I got inspired to learn how to cook. It was kind of funny to think about Blogging about this because Julie Powell has blogged about her whole story and her project and everyone knows about it. But I have been blogging for over a year and I'm not some culinary student who wants to blog about food. I'm just a girl who has come to the conclusion that she needs to learn how to cook. Not just for myself but for my future husband. I'm not sure I will even post more about my cooking. But I just wanted to say that I have been inspired to learn. I'm not setting out to prove anything. I'm just giving a small nod to Julie and Julia the movie. It has inspired me to cook. I believe apart of hell must have frozen over because this is really unlike me to decide to learn how to cook. Anyway wish me Luck.

Love always,

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