Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is "Faith" really such a hard concept?

The hard cold truth is that God will never come down and sit across the table from you and answer all your questions. Those burning questions like "why does bad things happen to good people?" "why has my life been a wrecking balm effect in all areas?". If you expect to have every answer I hate to break it to you. Those answers might never get answered. So you may ask then "why believe in God if I cant get those answers?" or "why should I believe in god that lets bad things happen?". Well isn't it easy to blame god for everything? Yet you can't accept your choices and the very actions you do. Faith is it such a complex thing? I mean seriously its not rocket science. It's believing in something even when you cant see it or the whole picture. For those of you who always need to see the bigger picture faith to you is hard. Because you want all the answers. You want something you yet you don't know what questions really matter. It breaks my heart that when people are asked "why they don't believe in god?" they give this answer......
  1. My life has been so horrible,how can a god let that happen?
  2. How do I know god exists?
  3. I won't follow someone like "God" if I don't know he is really real.
  4. The bible how can you trust it?
  5. God what has he ever done for me
  6. God didn't answer my prayers.

Well the list can go on and on. But I ask you this. Has anyone ever told you that...THEY PROVED GOD WASN'T REAL?

I guarantee you they will look at you and they wont say that. Because when you really get down to it...reading the bible isn't enough. You have to open your heart and let him in. You need to pray to God. You need to chase after him like its the last thing you ever do. Why? Because when you do these things you will see what you have proved....THAT GOD IS REAL AND THAT YOU CAN HAVE FAITH....maybe not all of a sudden. Maybe you will take a long time to SUBMIT AND HUMBLE...YES HUMBLE YOURSELF. But you will see that God is real.

So If you have no faith? If you believe God is some made up story? Then I dare you to prove he doesn't exist.Because I guarantee you WITHIN THAT TIME you will end up proving that the all mighty God is real and Faith is possible.


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