Monday, September 6, 2010

Whisper Whisper

Have you ever leaned over and whispered something to a friend? Was it because you didn't want to say something personal out loud? Or were you bad mouthing someone behind their backs (and they happen to be sitting there)? Have you ever stopped and thought about the effects that has on others. I mean I have whispered to people before. Usually I was trying to avoid saying something personal out loud. But when others do it I get kind of flustered. I ask myself are they talking about me? I ask myself do I have something on my clothes? I mean I ask myself so many questions about why someone is whispering something that it can become quite silly. The truth is whispering can be okay and bad at the same time. Depending on weather you do it in public or in your own home. Whispering can lead to irritation and Gossip. Oh how we love to Gossip.But I ask myself did God whisper? I think not! God was vocal about everything because it was a basic need. Not a need that he needed but a need that we needed.He meant for us to know the truth. Whispering is a tricky thing that can lead to many directions. I'm not saying to go out and be vocal about everything like gossip or your personal stuff. I'm only encouraging you to be conscious of the whispering "material" your saying. It can effect you in the long run.

Love always,
Plain Jane

1 comment:

Sparkle said...

this is true. now that i think about it though, i dont think i ever whisper.. i just blurt things out lol...but yeah, i feel the same way when i see someone whispering...