Sunday, January 9, 2011

P.J the Conqueror

The new year hasn't quite started with a bang yet. But as of tonight at midnight it will. I'm doing a twenty one day fast. Which will bring me closer to god, something I have wanted for a long time now. I also want to be physically healthy this year so I'm kick staring a new diet. I believe this time or lets says this year I will do what I say. I know millions of people create a new years resolution. Some where from number one to five there is something about losing weight on there. You might start off the year great. You lose a few pounds, and you get all happy. So you continue and one day you run across a piece of cake. All that self-control is dashing out the door and your diving for the calorie packed piece of cake. Then you either try again or give up. WHY? Why would you give up on yourself? I do not what that for myself. I'm so excited for my fast, and for my new diet. I will let y'all know how it goes, and I won't leave out the ups and downs. Maybe I will post pictures of my progress.


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