Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Labels they are apart of our world whether we like them or not. Sometimes the labels are good, like these for instances. You can be labeled "Christian" or "Helper" and even "Hard-worker". Sometimes the labels are not good. We make ourselves sit in these boxes sometimes. We either make ourselves fit into these labels because that's how people see us. Or its expected of us to do it. Today I was thinking alot about labels, and how crushing it can be to be labeled a certain way for a long period of time in our lives. We can always grow, and evolve. That isn't the question at all. The question is how can we move away from being labeled? Can we at all? For instance I like to go against the grain. But I get labeled as one of those people who "Don't follow the crowd". I still get labeled even when I dislike labels. I ask myself do I stop going against the grain? NO, I don't want that. That's isn't the person I want to be. I ask God what he thinks. I believe people labeled him all the time. like "the messiah" or "the all mighty" and sometimes they called him a "liar" because he spoke against the priests who weren't living for the lord. Who made up things and labels to benefit themselves. I think the one thing we can do, is live our life the way God commands us to do. He is the one who knows our heart. He isnt into labeling people. He already knows he created us for a purpose, and yes, I suppose you can label us. We are "God's people". Thats a label I can live with .


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