Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where will Plain Janes Blog go?

If you read my very first blog post you will understand why I have used and written under the name Plain Jane. I love my blog. But I'm also aware that as I grow into a professional writer once I publish my book I must change right? I don't think so though. I want my blog readers to know me and even my "future fans of my books". I expect many things to change this year and I also expect this blog to change. This blog is my way to talk about me and if this turns into a online diary then so be it. But that's not why I write. I want my friends to know about me more and I also want people to know God. To know what he means to me and what he means to others.I also like to share things of everyday stupidity. I know when I become a writer for real, I mean I'm already. But I mean a published writer I know my readers will either love the book or they won't. They don't have to like me. But I do what them to know me so they can say "yeah she is okay". Or " seriously she's weird" I know and understand that my blog will change and I will to. The question is will you stick around to see all that change I'm talking about?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Being a Romero

Being a Romero you have to understand that life isn't always easy. Sometimes we strive in that though. As a Romero I have learned that the things that have happened,the things that have been pushed on me have made me strong.Being a Romero is like knowing the storm is coming but going out in it anyway. I mean standing in the middle of it all without any coat on. But coming out of the Storm isn't easy. A Romero doesn't just leave after the storm fades away. We stand and look at the damage. We strive in it and we push forward sometimes we walk through it for years. The point of this? Is to show that life can be so unfair, like God dying for us was something I could never really stand in. I can never stand there and say "I really know what he did". Because its a Storm that none of us had to endure. God endured it for us and we don't have to suffer in that. Being a Romero means knowing that we have many storms ahead but God has paved the cracks to let us know that he will fill them and he will stand with us. In fascination and in endurance. He knows we can endure what he gives us.

Love always,
Plain Jane

At the computer

I'm at the computer now sitting here in my room. Looking at the screen and wondering how many times do I sit here a day. Wow! Its nearly very depressing. But No, I do more things at the computer desk then just search the web. I write all my creative ideas down,and I type my manuscripts. But I wonder how many times a day do we just waste away at the computer. Sure we can be productive at times. But the other half of the time what are we doing? So I was thinking what are ways we can limit our "At the computer" time? I know for sure I don't want to limit it to much then I wouldn't be able to keep up with the blog.So give me your ideas? Can't wait to hear from you.

A mosquito who thought he was smart

There was this annoying mosquito that had traveled trough my open door one day and made his way into my life in my very room. I saw him buzz around me. He was tempting me to swat him. (I know this is a mosquito I'm talking about) So tonight I was drinking out of a souvenir cup and I realized as I was putting this cup down the mosquito was in the cup. It had traveled into the straw. I was panicked at first that I might have just swallowed my little ememy. Then I realized this was his "End" So The mosquito suffered his fate. Now I fear that I will never be able to drink out of that cup, without thinking just maybe I almost swallowed the mosquito.I loved the cup,maybe that's why the mosquito went into the cup. He needed to annoy me even after he was gone.

(My first rant of everyday stupidity)
I hope you like it

Love always,

Monday, August 23, 2010

A slimy feeling

Have you ever had this feeling you cant shake off? Well, for me I have it now. Its pestering me like a slimy worm. I have this constant feeling that I haven't done the things god has called me to do. I also haven't done the things that my family has expected me to do. But hey wait a minute!Isn't that up to me? I mean it only affects me right? Well most assume that yes it only affects you. But that's not true! The people in your life are influenced and affected everyday by your actions and basically all your movements. Wheather we see this or choose to admit it or not.I try to remind myself the only way I can shake this feeling off is to be proactive.But how? Should I pray harder to God? Should I ask my family? I concluded both of these and I throw in the "listen to your heart bit" for those of you who always think the heart works over the mind. Maybe that works for you. I ask you do you have that slimy feeling? What is it? What have you done to shake it off? As for me well, I'm stilling shaking it off and at the moment I feel confident I will soon be okay.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Manuscripts Galore

So I haven't really ever posted details of any manuscript that I write. But lately I have been thinking I should at least share with you guys the things I write about and why I write them at all. So here are a few things about my writing and how I get into the creative zone and others randoms.

  • I always think about writing,I'm always in the creative zone.
  • I write deep stuff with hints of fascination.
  • I can write all day.
  • I write serious stuff,thought provoking.
  • My inspiration? The people around me.
  • I always know the end of my story.
  • One of the characters always has many traits that I have.
  • I shamelessly spend minutes on trying to come up with characters names.
  • I rewrite once.I type it at the last minute.
  • I hate GRAMMAR.
  • Grammar is the last thing I think about.
  • I only let two people read my manuscripts.
  • Sometimes I'm too confident,and it backfires
  • I always have more then five story's being written at a time.
  • I will leave many stories unfinished.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A brilliant intensity

A dream can become brilliant and it can turn into a intensity that can drive you mad. I'm talking about a mad passion for what you want. Not necessarily what you need,but what you want. No one has ever really needed a dream. People usually want things and that's where a dream comes into play.Have you ever really sat down and thought with such an intensity about something? I mean not like for an hour, I mean like more then one measly hour. I'm talking about scribbling ideas on a paper,and talking non-stop about it. I mean the dreams that fuel you into action. An intensity that rubs off on others and it drives them to marvel at what a dream can really do. Lately I have been wondering where has this mad passion gone? Has it been buried away down in my soul. I almost need that intensity that only god can give me to really make me wake up. I need to be awake,I need to to feel alive. We have one life that God has given us. He also instills a passion within us that can drive us and others to do brilliant things. What brilliant intensity fueled things Will you do?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

God he's Pj's friend

Hello followers,
So Plain Jane is always talking about her God. Do you guys know this God? If so what can you tell me about him. Becasue I'm Kind of behind on God's gossip...or gospel...which ever!
lub always,

Tardy Tart

Walking in late somewhere really doesn't bother me. I know my reasons and why things happen. But others don't and they shouldn't have too. When your late ,you put others behind. Life tends to go haywire on me sometimes,and I let those around me down. Being tardy is so bad, seriously you let others down. There are times in our lives that were going to be able to go to every birthday, graduation,wedding, bible school and other random occasions. But will we be there on time? Another question are we sitting around and being tardy in saying YES TO GOD? How many times do we receive blessings in our lives? But when it comes down to saying yes to god,we wait until the last straw. Would you rather be late to a wedding or late in saying yes to god? I would prefer to not be late at all. That's not realistic though. We have the things of life pulling us north to south. We have our heads cut off like dead chickens with the daily routine. What can we do? Are we doomed to be tardy in all areas of our life? I think not! I think that everyday might just be a struggle but its worth it. If you try to make it on time in everything even the calling of god, you will be one step closer then most people.
Love always,
Plain Jane

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Outcast

Have you ever been in a crowded room and you easily spot the person standing alone? Of course you notice them.Are eyes have been literally taught by society to look at and judge others. So it would be an obvious thing to look at the person who is standing out. This is an everyday occurrence. Not everyone will meet your stamp of approval. Not everyone will come out and say hello. So what do you do? Take a moment and cross the distance and say hello. That outcast might just become a good friend.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The era of school

The school year is nearly here. We have parents rubbing their heads together so they can "Talk" about budgets for school. Every year is a new era. In this era you need new school clothes and new school supplies.But I don't count this as the important parts at all. You may be stunned to know that I find this all to be really silly and unimportant. The important thing is about this era is the students and their progression into this new year. I don't know many parents who sit down with their kids and talk to them about the expectations of this school year. Talking to your kids, will let them know that you care about them . Also that you care about their education. Some "talks" can cover many subjects. Like what grades you expect from them,how much time do you expect them to study,and also how they should manage their extra activities. Also, what they can expect from you the parents. How will you help them as well.This is the important part. Of course the new school supplies will benefit them. But in times like this you should put more attention in what the student is about to face. I encourage parents and guardians to do something different this year. Focus more on the education and the progress of the students. Sit down and have a chat with them. So when they bring their first progress report you won't be disappointed.
Love always,
Plain Jane

PJ's alter ego "A"

Hey supporters this is "A" here. I'm taking over for Plain Jane for awhile. She's trying to get into a healthy mode,and I'm already there. I'm starting a new page called reviews. Hope you guys get addicted to this blog becasue I'm here. Who needs Pj when you have me?