Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ketchup Policy

Have you ever gone through drive through and they hand you your bag without ketchup? Then you ask for some and they give you like three packets of ketchup. Its like "what" can't you give me more? Well, in some places they have a ketchup policy. You think well if you paid for you meal you should at least get more then three packets. That's what I thought until I drove away. Bam! I realized how ungrateful I was. There are kids in other countries who have never been though a drive through,much less have they ever seen a ketchup packet. Why do we think we deserves more then we need? Why are we so tied to "Instant gratification"? I don't have the answers but God does. The bible does too! We get upset about the unmeaningful ketchup packets or whatever it may be,its so sorry. We need to get upset about the lost souls and the people who really need help. We should do something about that! We should think of others the next time were in a drive through,you might just feel a little silly because you didn't "get what you deserved".

More then a Sermon

Tonight at youth I heard something more then a sermon. I heard God crying out to us,I heard us cry out to him. Tonight humility was covered and an youth leader who did the sermon covered scripture about when God washes his disciples feet. Even though God knew his disciple's were about to deny him and one was about to betray him.The leader went around and washed our feet. It was an act of humility and kindness and love. I have heard many sermons in my life. But this is the first that "brought me to my knees" . I speak figuratively but I did drop down to my knees in my heart.This was something different. This was going against the grain and actually showing what God does,what he did,and what he continues to do.I humble myself before God and my youth kids. I love you guys with all my heart,and I should have known that humility is something we should act out everyday!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Snap! Crackle! Pop!

I'm at home today on this fine afternoon. Jamming to music and thinking about the world. It seems like lately I have been thinking very deep. As if I'm trying to find some profound answer. For right now I'm listening to some great music,drinking vitamin water. Last but now least I'm wearing my new purple eyeliner and a new shirt with cereal people. Yeah, I'm living the Amercian dream folks!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Choke Negativity without hestation

If negativity was a physical object I would choke it until I thought it was sufficient. But its not a pysical object,its an emotion. Something you feel,and something that can move through a room so quickly like annoying mosquitoes.We slap away a mosquito without much hesitation. Why can't we do that with negative things?The world doesn't stop for you. The world doesn't end when your day has been horrible. Things keep going and so do we. For people who live in the united states we know life and society can be fast pace. That's the normal rate we have to go, its what is expected from us. But there is something called "people and things who bring you down" . I mean whether its work or a friend or people you use to know or your parents. Or even your car and your bills. The everyday things can get the best of you. I know what I'm about to say might sound so cliche and all but I DON'T CARE! Pull yourself up by the suspenders and get over it. I mean really if you sit there and agonize over all the negative things your wasting space. I mean even worse you add more to the negativity. I know you might say "plain Jane its so hard ,my life is like this and that", well so is mine. I have negativity hit me everyday. I get mad yeah of course. Its maybe the first instinct but don't just swim in that filth all day. Move on becasue you owe to yourself,and the people around you.
Love always,
Plain Jane

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My *Bright red Lipstick* Phase

I'm in a funk right now! It's that simple and no matter how much I try to cheer up I literally cant. When I get like this usually I just walk through it. I live what I need to live and I usually get out of this phase.I want to put on bright red lipstick and go against the grain. Go against the world and do what I want. I want to hop in my truck and go to the beach. Stay away from home and just live in my own world. But I can't right now! I have to stay here and figure it all out. Where I'm going? Where have I gone? Do I have a plan for myself? When I feel like this,when I'm in the funk I let loose and listen to music. I go against the normal or at least try to. I'm soul searching again really,so I might as well wear some cool lipstick and some big hoop earrings.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Music Vs. Writing

I'm a writer and always have been. I started writing when I was old enough to know how write words down on a piece of parchment. I also love music. But the only instrument I have ever played was the baritone in the sixth grade. I quit after one year of that. I was okay but not great. Before music didn't mean much to me. I could go days without it literally. Now though as I'm older I love to listen to music. It makes me happy to hear good music. I would love to play my own music. But that's not possible. I write that's it. Music vs. writing to me is like this major tug a war. I want to dedicate myself to writing my novels. But I wouldn't mind learning how to write music and ultimately learn an instrument and play music. I don't know what to do really. I mean I have this love for writing and being creative. But I need to be focused on something for awhile.The question is will it be music or writing? Or directing and that's a whole other post for another day! I know I'm creative,maybe just too much!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Forget an hour, make it all day!

Tonight at worship I realized how God moved me. I saw in others that God was stirring something in their hearts. Everyone was singing,I mean EVERYONE! I don't see the same thing on Sundays. I'm sorry its the truth. I think it may be that because tonight this was a "focused" worship. Our main purpose tonight was to sing out to God. Everyone ended up Crying out to God tonight. It was truly amazing. But I think just doing this for an hour is really disappointing. Were doing a disservice to ourselves and to God. We should worship God every chance we get. When we walk our dog have your moment of praise for God. While your driving. The locations and times are endless. Who said we need to be at church for an hour on Fridays to worship God?Don't get me wrong, I loved the worship it was great. Just think if you worship God every chance you get,how awesome is that? I say it's fantastic!

Life and the Goodbyes

The day we die shouldn't be a day we fear. Its a day that our time on this earth ends. Its an end of a life that you spent all your energy on building. It amazes me on how tied we are to the things of this earth. How we think that the amount of money or materials we have are important. Some things that I think are important on this earth is the friendships you make,your family,and the message you send out to others. What message are you sending? Are you telling your friends that they shouldn't be so worried about what they own,they should be worried about what really matters? In your friendships do you spend time on trivial things like "who's hot and who's not"? My point is we have one life to live,to make every second an important one. There is no tomorrow that's promised. As for me I will tell everyone I know that there is a God that loves me and everyone else.That the things on this earth are not important. That when we leave this earth we only go with our body. That death is not the end,its a beginning. A beginning up above that will last an eternity.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rehearsal Photos

Two Faces Skit
Rehearsal Photos

Edge Drama

So my church is awesome! There I said it. What started out as a regular meeting became to be the best meeting ever. Another youth leader named Gary brought up the idea of having a drama team. I latched on to this idea. So from that day on Gary and I were the drama directors. He came up with the idea of a skit,and from there on we got started. Enough about us, we are not important. Our youth and our drama team is important. But we don't do this just to have fun.We do this because God set it on our hearts to do this. We act out a message for our youth. I know God is wonderful. I'm excited for everything that's happening If it wasn't for God, Gary and I would still be just "talking" about this great idea. But we put it into action. Tonight we preformed our first skit called the "Two Faces" and it was great. I will post pictures soon.
Love Always,
Plain Jane

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pink Ribbons

I usually don't donate things. But two years ago I received a call from a lady from the breast Cancer foundation. I was only being kind to her by listening. I wasn't busy but I knew I had no money. The conversation lasted ten minutes. By the time I got off the phone I knew this lady was going to send me a "pledge". A paper that said I was going to donate Fifty dollars. Well, I didn't have the guts to say "hey lady I'm broke". So believe it or not when the letter arrived a week later,I had money. So I gave fifty dollars. From then on I have donated once again. Lately I haven't donated but that's only because I have lost focus and I have spent money on things I don't need. But I'm going to start it up again. Its one of my personal goals to donate to the foundation. So in a few days I will be starting a new page called "service". It will be about different things and ways on how you can serve from home. Or go out and serve. I like to think that I'm helping someone even if its just fifty dollars I give. It like giving someone a PINK RIBBON. A ribbon that laces around them to protect,educate,and prevent something that can be monitored and taken care of.Because people like me and you,and people who work in the medical field donate their time,money,prayers,and pink ribbons.
Love Always,
Plain Jane

Veggie Fest- Where no kid wants to go!

SO I decided to go on a Veggie Fest! I'm going to eat veggies for about a month. I'm going to eat all types of veggies and maybe even organic. Maybe I will become one of those really healthy "nuts In the head" people. No, Seriously I will eat veggies so I can see if it really is healthy.I can't wait! You guys love my blog so I have to stick around. Being healthy makes me stay alive longer. So wish me luck. Anyone want to do it with me? Come on! Walk on the wild side of healthy by eating veggies with me. If not then I guess you can stick to junk food.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mr. Soul Mate, do you love coca cola?

I'm single. There I said it! No, I'm not writing this so I can find someone. I'm writing this so I can help myself and others. Those who are single either love it or hate it. There is no gray area in between. Are we lonely, yes sometimes we get lonely. But does that mean we fall for the first person who says something sweet to us? I think not! I personally believe that god will send me my soul mate. I'm not talking about God sending me a man through the mail. I mean god will lead me onto the path that I need to be on so I can meet my soul mate. I think sometimes were in a rush to find love. It's usually for all the wrong reasons. Because we want attention, because we want to piss are parents off,we want to test the waters,because we want love. Where is Commitment in all this? Where is the principal of marriage? Has it become a everyday item like coca cola? I wonder about when I will fall in love. What will you do? As for me will I listen to God or will I listen to the same advertisement? I don't need the coca cola, I need the soul mate who God has brought me,and if he happens to love drinking coke,then that's just another plus for me.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Little Girls with Cakey Faces

It doesn't Matter where you go you see them. Their hard to miss,and yeah their cute. But we should be highly worried. I'm not talking about little girls who play with mommy's clothes once in awhile. Or little girls who play with mommy's makeup. I'm talking about little girls from ages five and twelve. Who actually know what eye liner is. I'm talking about little girls who have makeup caked on their faces who don't even have any idea what their during to themselves. There letting the world know that their wanting to grow up. Everyday I see kids that are way to young wear makeup,even wear outrageous outfits. I'm all for invdualism. But a kid who's seven years old wearing a skirt and a tank top shirt,shouldn't be doing that. I mean come on? I'm not here to blame the parents. The media becomes the parent if you really want to know the truth. From cartoons and from the "very well known" channel children learn about "self appearance". For instance my little niece who's under five is starting to look into the mirror and become sassy. No one does that around her. But she See's movies and t.v . She among other kids see the media as an outlet. They see all these other kids and "Teens" doing what they want. Wearing what they want and they think this is the norm. If we all lived by the norm we would all be alike. I'm glad we don't,but I'm sad that some of us, like the kids we know strive to live that Norm. SO I can rant all day. I really could. But I would be fighting the media the whole way. You know its worth it though. I want to educate and tell little girls with cakey faces that they don't have to do what they see on t.v. They can be themselves in a better way.

Washer gone Stupid

So my washer went all crazey on us. My dad was washing clothes,and mind you this was a full load. The water started coming out of the boddom. Water went everywhere,and was just bad. Anyway the whole event lasted like fiftten mintues. So now the kitchen has been mopped,and thats one good thing that came out of this whole event. This really isnt an event it just felt like it. My socks got wet and when that happens you should as least blog about it. So I did.
Love always,
plain jane

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bittersweet Peeves

Have you ever stoped and wondered what are the things that tick you off? Well, If your human you have already wondered and you know what your "peeves" are. The things that tick you off so bad that your face goes red and a nerve is just pulsating on your forhead. Well, one of the many things that tick me off are people who are just plain rude. I mean you say hello to them and they give you a face. Among many peeves of mine I try to stay calm when they come up. I mean have you ever just lost it and went all out crazey on someone? I mean do you really want to get to that point? Have you ever been driving and someone cuts you off and you just let our a big "Grrrrr" and then your mad for the rest of the time? I have and it amazes me how fast tempered we are. Where is out patentice and understanding? I know it flew out the window! There are days when out bittersweet peeves are going to come crawling up on us. What should we do? Turn the other cheek? Maybe,or should we get even? As for me I will let you guys decide. But for me personally I will do the "breath in and out" routine. I will also ask GOD to help me recover. So in the end maybe I will get mad. But I know if I just take a moment and breath and ask god for his help,I will be okay. Or at least until something else ticks me off!
love always,
plain jane

Who I'am and why I do what I do

I use to believe that I was a plain jane. That I was nothing. There wasn't anything unique about me. I was just plain old me. I use to have freinds tell me that I needed to change my style. They said t-shirts and jeans were lame. I guess you could say I was plain. But I also knew there was something about me that was cool. I could write. Back then when I was younger I couldn't just go up to one of my freinds and say "Hey look at what I wrote". If it wasn't about "who was hot" Or what "makeup" I had, I stayed quiet. It was until I grew up I started to realize that I didnt care what people thought. I wear t-shirts and jeans and yeah you could call me a plain jane its okay. Troughout out my life I have learned many things. That I love god,and he loves me. That I love to write everything and anything. I'm pretty taltented. Yes, I know who I'am. I'm strong and I love to help others. So for my frist post I want you guys to know yeah,maybe I'm a plain jane styled person, but there's more to me then meets the eye. I would rather be me,then some horrible version that others want me to be. Thats why I do what I do,I be myself always and forever.
Love always,
plain jane