Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where will Plain Janes Blog go?

If you read my very first blog post you will understand why I have used and written under the name Plain Jane. I love my blog. But I'm also aware that as I grow into a professional writer once I publish my book I must change right? I don't think so though. I want my blog readers to know me and even my "future fans of my books". I expect many things to change this year and I also expect this blog to change. This blog is my way to talk about me and if this turns into a online diary then so be it. But that's not why I write. I want my friends to know about me more and I also want people to know God. To know what he means to me and what he means to others.I also like to share things of everyday stupidity. I know when I become a writer for real, I mean I'm already. But I mean a published writer I know my readers will either love the book or they won't. They don't have to like me. But I do what them to know me so they can say "yeah she is okay". Or " seriously she's weird" I know and understand that my blog will change and I will to. The question is will you stick around to see all that change I'm talking about?

1 comment:

Sparkle said...

what up girl? sooo imma definitely stick around. im enjoyin this bloggin thing! cant wait ta see what changes you talkin bout!... still u are my only follower!! ive made some more posts!! i like this better than facebook! lol. well much love