Friday, July 9, 2010

Bittersweet Peeves

Have you ever stoped and wondered what are the things that tick you off? Well, If your human you have already wondered and you know what your "peeves" are. The things that tick you off so bad that your face goes red and a nerve is just pulsating on your forhead. Well, one of the many things that tick me off are people who are just plain rude. I mean you say hello to them and they give you a face. Among many peeves of mine I try to stay calm when they come up. I mean have you ever just lost it and went all out crazey on someone? I mean do you really want to get to that point? Have you ever been driving and someone cuts you off and you just let our a big "Grrrrr" and then your mad for the rest of the time? I have and it amazes me how fast tempered we are. Where is out patentice and understanding? I know it flew out the window! There are days when out bittersweet peeves are going to come crawling up on us. What should we do? Turn the other cheek? Maybe,or should we get even? As for me I will let you guys decide. But for me personally I will do the "breath in and out" routine. I will also ask GOD to help me recover. So in the end maybe I will get mad. But I know if I just take a moment and breath and ask god for his help,I will be okay. Or at least until something else ticks me off!
love always,
plain jane


Mrs. Mom said...

Yay! I'm your first follower! Welcome to the blog world. :)

PlainJane said...

Yay! I'm honered that your my frist follower. It means alot to me.Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Iknow what you mean peeve is when someone flat out lies with a straight face in front of my dear face and that person knows that I know they're not telling the truth. It just burns me up on the inside especially in situations when have to bite my tongue b/c I can't respond the way I want to b/c the Jesus in me won't let me.

PlainJane said...

I feel ya on that one. I wish people could be honest all the time. But people will do what they please. Just remeber God is watching them,and Good for you that you don't sink to thier level.

jessicasts7 said...

wow this is a hard part for me sometimes I just can't control, and every morning I ask God for his help to calm but sometimes I lose the control. Well the heavy thing is that I only lost control with my parents and I love them and I don't want to do that to them.

PlainJane said...

Its always hard to keep control. But we have to. We can't go around being angry all the time.
Just ask god to help you everyday, and try to stay calm.Don't foucs to much on the problem.Focus on the end of the problem.