Friday, October 15, 2010

Jackets Galore

So here in Texas its getting to the point of becoming cold. Winter is nearly here and the leaves are about to fall. My skin is itching to wear jackets and scarves. Heaven only knows I own jackets galore. My heart feels happy when winter comes. Winter has always been a serious deep season for me. Its like the wind gets stuck in front of you and you just have to breath it in. I know I'm sounding weird but I love winter. I love the cold. I feel inspired by winter. To write and to try out new fashion with my jackets and scarves. I want to sit in a park and read a book when its cold out. I want too be someone new who's refreshed and willing to let her hair down. I say long live the winter season. It always brings something out in me and I hope this fact never changes.

Love always,

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