Thursday, October 14, 2010

They say my name is Hermione (5)

So people stare at me in school. They don't talk to me or even try to smile at me either. They just stare. My teachers well they seem like they are worried about me. I can't stop thinking about what my mother said. She told me to stop "pretending" that I couldn't remember. I can't remember anything. What did she mean she was going to talk to my dad? My dad hasn't even talked to me. He just looks at me as if I'm some alien from outer space. What's his problem? I fell asleep right after Cindy and mike left. I was so confused about it all.I ran into Cindy in the restroom. Only this time she didn't talk to me. She just smiled and walked out. What was that about? I wanted to shake her and ask her what she did to me. What was the reason for her visiting me if we weren't friends? Mike on the other hand has talked to me. I asked him if we were really friends. He looked at me and did not answer. It was when I was about to walk away he grabbed my shoulder. He told me that we were friends, but he didn't want to be friends anymore. He said it was too hard to look at me and for me not to remember who he was. I laughed very cruel I might add. I told him that nothing was hard for him. I was the one who had lost my memory not him. He tried to say sorry but I just walked away. Who needs them as friends anyway? Not me!

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