Saturday, October 9, 2010

They say my name is Hermione (3)

Even though I chased the butterfly I never once caught it. After lunch I was in my room trying to remember something about myself. I ran my fingers along the spines of the books I have on a shelf in the corner of my room. Apparently my favorite color is purple. My bed spread is purple and my rug is too that sits in front of my door. I have purple curtains as well. I'm a obsessed "purple freak"? My mom knocks on my door and behind her I see two people. A girl and a boy. They say their names as if I should just automatically remember them. How could I forget them? They sure think that! Their names are Cindy and Mike. My mom leaves the room with a worried look on her face. I say hi to my "friends" and they sit on the bed and Cindy begin's reaching under my bed. Cindy pulls out a game box, and I laugh at myself.

"Monopoly?" I ask

"Yeah we play it for hours at a time," said Mike

I look at them and then I tell myself to "chill out". I want to know who I'm and they should know right? They can tell me who I'm because they are my "friends".We play for awhile and then I start to ask them questions. They look at each other as if their worried. Why is everyone worried? I don't get it. What are they afraid of? I mean I was in a plane crash that's all. Its not some big secret? Is it? After an hour I have learned that I play volleyball and I love pizza. I like to go to the movies and my favorite color is not purple. My mom made me get that color for my room. Cindy says I like Hott pink. I smile at this. So I'm a "hott pink freak"? My mom calls me down for something and Cindy and mike get up too.

"We should go, I have homework," said mike.

I watch them leave as I hear the door slam I go downstairs. My mom is standing in the kitchen drinking a glass of Orange juice.

"Hermione, I didn't want to tell you this. Because I was worried it would make you upset. But I have to. If Cindy hasn't told you,and she's acting like nothing has happened." my mom said

"What are you saying,?" I ask.

"You haven't spoken to Cindy in months. You came home from the school dance crying a couple months ago. You said Cindy wasn't your friend anymore," my mom said.

What? Why would she come here then? Why is she lying to me? What kind of people do I hang out with? Will I ever know who I'am?

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