Thursday, October 28, 2010

They say my name is Hermione (7)

Have I mentioned that I'm tired of this? I'm tired of people looking at me. I'm tired of Cindy staring at me everyday, as if she wants to tell me something. But she's a coward and she wont say a thing. My parents keep asking me these insane questions. But I cant ask them questions about my life before the plane crash. They get all weird and stuff. So, again I'm just tired of it all.I have decided I'm going to research exactly what happened in the plane crash. I don't even know why I was on the plane. The good news is that Mike said he would help me. He told me he didn't want to lose me as a friend. I didn't say anything to him, except I said "thanks". What else could I tell him? I'm meeting him tomorrow after school. I hope to find out what really happened to me,and hopefully that will bring some memories back.

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