Friday, November 12, 2010

They say my name is Hermione (9)

Mike and I sit at the computer. Looking at the pictures of the plane crash. My name though is not on the list of the people who were injured. Mike scrolls down the page to check once more. Suddenly he point's at a picture. I realize the picture is of me. Underneath the picture it says the name "Hermione Keller". I start to cry so hard that Mike hugs me. He tells me its okay, while I stare at the computer screen. Other then that we find out that there was technical problems that caused the plane to crash. Was that it? Seriously there was nothing else to find out? Suddenly Mike points at the screen again. He is pointing at the list of the dead. The third name on the list is a woman's name. It said, "Natasha Keller". Who was that? Mike looked at me and put his head down.

"What is it? " I asked.

"She's the reason why you stopped talking to Cindy," Mike said.

"Who is she?" I asked

"You never told us, you just said her name and said that it was better to end your friendship with Cindy. You totally freaked out on Cindy at the school dance a couple months ago. It was so out of the blue," Mike said.

What? Who is Natasha? What Influence does she have over my life? I was so confused by the time we decided to leave the library. We agreed to find out more. This Natasha was obviously related to me. We did have the same last name after all.

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