Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assumptions killed the cat

They say that "curiosity" killed the cat. But I believe it was the "assumption" that did it though. The cat assumed that everything would be okay, so he let his curiosity overcome him. As for us, humans we assume things everyday. We assume when we cross the street people will stop. We assume just because the light turns red no one will run it. We assume that a friend will be there forever. We assume people will be nice every moment because they claim their nice people. We assume people who act one way are like that always. We assume all the time. Of course assumptions cant lead to death. That's only for the cat. But we get ourselves into sticky situations.I try not to assume anything. I thought it was because I didn't want to be disappointed, or because I could care less. Now its more like I don't want to assume that God hasn't already planned it. I firmly believe that God knows what will happen, and he will prepare us. I do not assume this. I know this because it's my faith. I choose to believe in him, I don't assume anything about god. Because he has shown us time and time again, how he can work in our lives. God doesn't assume either, so we should be careful with all our assumptions of each other. Of things that we know nothing of, or things we cannot foresee.

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