Tuesday, August 24, 2010

At the computer

I'm at the computer now sitting here in my room. Looking at the screen and wondering how many times do I sit here a day. Wow! Its nearly very depressing. But No, I do more things at the computer desk then just search the web. I write all my creative ideas down,and I type my manuscripts. But I wonder how many times a day do we just waste away at the computer. Sure we can be productive at times. But the other half of the time what are we doing? So I was thinking what are ways we can limit our "At the computer" time? I know for sure I don't want to limit it to much then I wouldn't be able to keep up with the blog.So give me your ideas? Can't wait to hear from you.


Sparkle said...

SERIOUSLY... at work im in front of computer all day.. then in order to keep in touch with friends and family i check myspace and facebook and yahoomail when i get home.. THEN i am now doing this blog thing which i really like to just express ya kno.. well yeah.. we should go swimming instead of checking computer!! :D theres my idea

PlainJane said...

Swimming....I would not have thought of that. I thought more like reading a book.

Sparkle said...

lol.. :)