Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tardy Tart

Walking in late somewhere really doesn't bother me. I know my reasons and why things happen. But others don't and they shouldn't have too. When your late ,you put others behind. Life tends to go haywire on me sometimes,and I let those around me down. Being tardy is so bad, seriously you let others down. There are times in our lives that were going to be able to go to every birthday, graduation,wedding, bible school and other random occasions. But will we be there on time? Another question are we sitting around and being tardy in saying YES TO GOD? How many times do we receive blessings in our lives? But when it comes down to saying yes to god,we wait until the last straw. Would you rather be late to a wedding or late in saying yes to god? I would prefer to not be late at all. That's not realistic though. We have the things of life pulling us north to south. We have our heads cut off like dead chickens with the daily routine. What can we do? Are we doomed to be tardy in all areas of our life? I think not! I think that everyday might just be a struggle but its worth it. If you try to make it on time in everything even the calling of god, you will be one step closer then most people.
Love always,
Plain Jane

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