Monday, August 23, 2010

A slimy feeling

Have you ever had this feeling you cant shake off? Well, for me I have it now. Its pestering me like a slimy worm. I have this constant feeling that I haven't done the things god has called me to do. I also haven't done the things that my family has expected me to do. But hey wait a minute!Isn't that up to me? I mean it only affects me right? Well most assume that yes it only affects you. But that's not true! The people in your life are influenced and affected everyday by your actions and basically all your movements. Wheather we see this or choose to admit it or not.I try to remind myself the only way I can shake this feeling off is to be proactive.But how? Should I pray harder to God? Should I ask my family? I concluded both of these and I throw in the "listen to your heart bit" for those of you who always think the heart works over the mind. Maybe that works for you. I ask you do you have that slimy feeling? What is it? What have you done to shake it off? As for me well, I'm stilling shaking it off and at the moment I feel confident I will soon be okay.

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