Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The era of school

The school year is nearly here. We have parents rubbing their heads together so they can "Talk" about budgets for school. Every year is a new era. In this era you need new school clothes and new school supplies.But I don't count this as the important parts at all. You may be stunned to know that I find this all to be really silly and unimportant. The important thing is about this era is the students and their progression into this new year. I don't know many parents who sit down with their kids and talk to them about the expectations of this school year. Talking to your kids, will let them know that you care about them . Also that you care about their education. Some "talks" can cover many subjects. Like what grades you expect from them,how much time do you expect them to study,and also how they should manage their extra activities. Also, what they can expect from you the parents. How will you help them as well.This is the important part. Of course the new school supplies will benefit them. But in times like this you should put more attention in what the student is about to face. I encourage parents and guardians to do something different this year. Focus more on the education and the progress of the students. Sit down and have a chat with them. So when they bring their first progress report you won't be disappointed.
Love always,
Plain Jane

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