Friday, July 23, 2010

Choke Negativity without hestation

If negativity was a physical object I would choke it until I thought it was sufficient. But its not a pysical object,its an emotion. Something you feel,and something that can move through a room so quickly like annoying mosquitoes.We slap away a mosquito without much hesitation. Why can't we do that with negative things?The world doesn't stop for you. The world doesn't end when your day has been horrible. Things keep going and so do we. For people who live in the united states we know life and society can be fast pace. That's the normal rate we have to go, its what is expected from us. But there is something called "people and things who bring you down" . I mean whether its work or a friend or people you use to know or your parents. Or even your car and your bills. The everyday things can get the best of you. I know what I'm about to say might sound so cliche and all but I DON'T CARE! Pull yourself up by the suspenders and get over it. I mean really if you sit there and agonize over all the negative things your wasting space. I mean even worse you add more to the negativity. I know you might say "plain Jane its so hard ,my life is like this and that", well so is mine. I have negativity hit me everyday. I get mad yeah of course. Its maybe the first instinct but don't just swim in that filth all day. Move on becasue you owe to yourself,and the people around you.
Love always,
Plain Jane

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