Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ketchup Policy

Have you ever gone through drive through and they hand you your bag without ketchup? Then you ask for some and they give you like three packets of ketchup. Its like "what" can't you give me more? Well, in some places they have a ketchup policy. You think well if you paid for you meal you should at least get more then three packets. That's what I thought until I drove away. Bam! I realized how ungrateful I was. There are kids in other countries who have never been though a drive through,much less have they ever seen a ketchup packet. Why do we think we deserves more then we need? Why are we so tied to "Instant gratification"? I don't have the answers but God does. The bible does too! We get upset about the unmeaningful ketchup packets or whatever it may be,its so sorry. We need to get upset about the lost souls and the people who really need help. We should do something about that! We should think of others the next time were in a drive through,you might just feel a little silly because you didn't "get what you deserved".


jessicasts7 said...

sorry but wat is a drive in????

PlainJane said...

A drive in or a drive thru is like where you go to your favorite place to eat. Well instead of going in inside you go to a window around the building where you can go,and just stay in your car and order the food. You can look up pictures of drive in's and drive thrus. Plus the defention

PlainJane said...

On google