Monday, July 19, 2010

Music Vs. Writing

I'm a writer and always have been. I started writing when I was old enough to know how write words down on a piece of parchment. I also love music. But the only instrument I have ever played was the baritone in the sixth grade. I quit after one year of that. I was okay but not great. Before music didn't mean much to me. I could go days without it literally. Now though as I'm older I love to listen to music. It makes me happy to hear good music. I would love to play my own music. But that's not possible. I write that's it. Music vs. writing to me is like this major tug a war. I want to dedicate myself to writing my novels. But I wouldn't mind learning how to write music and ultimately learn an instrument and play music. I don't know what to do really. I mean I have this love for writing and being creative. But I need to be focused on something for awhile.The question is will it be music or writing? Or directing and that's a whole other post for another day! I know I'm creative,maybe just too much!


Anonymous said...

You can do it all. It just takes time. Your writing skills are awesome. You're a great director also. I love music and and immitate any instrument, but learning it is another story. Iplayed Baritone tooooo!!! =) From 7th grade til my senior yr in high school. Anyway you have a God given talent with your creativity and immagination.

PlainJane said...

Thanks for your words. It means alot to me.Thanks for reading and suporting Plain Jane. Reamber I owe you a decation for my frist book.
Love always,

jessicasts7 said...

Well I think you don't have to decide, like anonymous said just divide your time I know you can do it. I think you write really beautiful things and just imagine ur word in a song that would be amazing. You can do It.

PlainJane said...

Thanks Jess so much. You are so nice
Love always