Saturday, July 10, 2010

Little Girls with Cakey Faces

It doesn't Matter where you go you see them. Their hard to miss,and yeah their cute. But we should be highly worried. I'm not talking about little girls who play with mommy's clothes once in awhile. Or little girls who play with mommy's makeup. I'm talking about little girls from ages five and twelve. Who actually know what eye liner is. I'm talking about little girls who have makeup caked on their faces who don't even have any idea what their during to themselves. There letting the world know that their wanting to grow up. Everyday I see kids that are way to young wear makeup,even wear outrageous outfits. I'm all for invdualism. But a kid who's seven years old wearing a skirt and a tank top shirt,shouldn't be doing that. I mean come on? I'm not here to blame the parents. The media becomes the parent if you really want to know the truth. From cartoons and from the "very well known" channel children learn about "self appearance". For instance my little niece who's under five is starting to look into the mirror and become sassy. No one does that around her. But she See's movies and t.v . She among other kids see the media as an outlet. They see all these other kids and "Teens" doing what they want. Wearing what they want and they think this is the norm. If we all lived by the norm we would all be alike. I'm glad we don't,but I'm sad that some of us, like the kids we know strive to live that Norm. SO I can rant all day. I really could. But I would be fighting the media the whole way. You know its worth it though. I want to educate and tell little girls with cakey faces that they don't have to do what they see on t.v. They can be themselves in a better way.


jessicasts7 said...

Ok I think you have an interesting point of view, and yes I blame media for these little girls behavior. but at one point I think parent should talk more with the children and let them know that what they see in media is not the most important but you're right about all this they the girls are watching other girls on the tv growing with make up, small clothes and if we get obsess with twilight (an example) they will get obsess with what they like. So it's a hard fight but media is only interested in sell and we are interested about the kids so we should fight

PlainJane said...

Yes! We should fight the media and yes twilight is very popular. I know what the media can do to everyone. I know what it has done to me. I know what the celebs are doing too. They feed us "junk". Basically. I hope little girls learn that its okay to be themselves.