Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My *Bright red Lipstick* Phase

I'm in a funk right now! It's that simple and no matter how much I try to cheer up I literally cant. When I get like this usually I just walk through it. I live what I need to live and I usually get out of this phase.I want to put on bright red lipstick and go against the grain. Go against the world and do what I want. I want to hop in my truck and go to the beach. Stay away from home and just live in my own world. But I can't right now! I have to stay here and figure it all out. Where I'm going? Where have I gone? Do I have a plan for myself? When I feel like this,when I'm in the funk I let loose and listen to music. I go against the normal or at least try to. I'm soul searching again really,so I might as well wear some cool lipstick and some big hoop earrings.


Mrs. Mom said...

Girl, put that lipstick on. Put those cool hoop earrings on. Listen to your music. And ROCK who you are! You are so talented and creative and I see God using you in amazing ways now and in the future. I'm so thankful that God put you in my life, I love your zeal for going against the flow and totally pulling off cute punk! :)

PlainJane said...

Thanks and I'm happy that your in my life too.