Monday, July 12, 2010

Pink Ribbons

I usually don't donate things. But two years ago I received a call from a lady from the breast Cancer foundation. I was only being kind to her by listening. I wasn't busy but I knew I had no money. The conversation lasted ten minutes. By the time I got off the phone I knew this lady was going to send me a "pledge". A paper that said I was going to donate Fifty dollars. Well, I didn't have the guts to say "hey lady I'm broke". So believe it or not when the letter arrived a week later,I had money. So I gave fifty dollars. From then on I have donated once again. Lately I haven't donated but that's only because I have lost focus and I have spent money on things I don't need. But I'm going to start it up again. Its one of my personal goals to donate to the foundation. So in a few days I will be starting a new page called "service". It will be about different things and ways on how you can serve from home. Or go out and serve. I like to think that I'm helping someone even if its just fifty dollars I give. It like giving someone a PINK RIBBON. A ribbon that laces around them to protect,educate,and prevent something that can be monitored and taken care of.Because people like me and you,and people who work in the medical field donate their time,money,prayers,and pink ribbons.
Love Always,
Plain Jane

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