Friday, July 16, 2010

Life and the Goodbyes

The day we die shouldn't be a day we fear. Its a day that our time on this earth ends. Its an end of a life that you spent all your energy on building. It amazes me on how tied we are to the things of this earth. How we think that the amount of money or materials we have are important. Some things that I think are important on this earth is the friendships you make,your family,and the message you send out to others. What message are you sending? Are you telling your friends that they shouldn't be so worried about what they own,they should be worried about what really matters? In your friendships do you spend time on trivial things like "who's hot and who's not"? My point is we have one life to live,to make every second an important one. There is no tomorrow that's promised. As for me I will tell everyone I know that there is a God that loves me and everyone else.That the things on this earth are not important. That when we leave this earth we only go with our body. That death is not the end,its a beginning. A beginning up above that will last an eternity.


jessicasts7 said...

It's hard not to be afraid bc fear is a part of our life. I believe there's something else after we die and that God is waiting us, I don't care a lot about possessions but I thank a lot for them bc they r necessary in this world, but very important thing those things don't define who u r. and other thing I'm more afraid about wat is next.

PlainJane said...

Fear is the evidence of something not seen. Yes, you can be afraid but you make that happen. You are afraid becasue you let yourself feel that emotion.Don't fear the things of tommrow. Becasue tommrow is never promised.