Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More then a Sermon

Tonight at youth I heard something more then a sermon. I heard God crying out to us,I heard us cry out to him. Tonight humility was covered and an youth leader who did the sermon covered scripture about when God washes his disciples feet. Even though God knew his disciple's were about to deny him and one was about to betray him.The leader went around and washed our feet. It was an act of humility and kindness and love. I have heard many sermons in my life. But this is the first that "brought me to my knees" . I speak figuratively but I did drop down to my knees in my heart.This was something different. This was going against the grain and actually showing what God does,what he did,and what he continues to do.I humble myself before God and my youth kids. I love you guys with all my heart,and I should have known that humility is something we should act out everyday!


Mrs. Mom said...

Wow! Sounds like Gary did a great job and the Lord really used him! Having your feet washed is a really awesome experience and definitely humbling!!

PlainJane said...

Yes, God used him! It was such an intense moment between God and us. I mean these kids....they left there knowing what humilty is. It was awsome!

Christy :) said...

Love you Amanda. This is only the beginning!!! God is on the move and he is moving in a big way!! Love you girlie.. Keep up the great work!!