Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mr. Soul Mate, do you love coca cola?

I'm single. There I said it! No, I'm not writing this so I can find someone. I'm writing this so I can help myself and others. Those who are single either love it or hate it. There is no gray area in between. Are we lonely, yes sometimes we get lonely. But does that mean we fall for the first person who says something sweet to us? I think not! I personally believe that god will send me my soul mate. I'm not talking about God sending me a man through the mail. I mean god will lead me onto the path that I need to be on so I can meet my soul mate. I think sometimes were in a rush to find love. It's usually for all the wrong reasons. Because we want attention, because we want to piss are parents off,we want to test the waters,because we want love. Where is Commitment in all this? Where is the principal of marriage? Has it become a everyday item like coca cola? I wonder about when I will fall in love. What will you do? As for me will I listen to God or will I listen to the same advertisement? I don't need the coca cola, I need the soul mate who God has brought me,and if he happens to love drinking coke,then that's just another plus for me.


Anonymous said...

heeey! i love you blog its soo cool! i will try to go on this a lot cause its cool :P :)

this is janessa! :)

Anonymous said...

lol i like your blog its awesome!
i will try to go on this everydaay!!

this is janessa :)

Anonymous said...

i love your blog its really awesome!

i will try to look at it everydaaay!! :)

btw this is janessa. :D

PlainJane said...

Thanks Janessa that means alot to me. I'm glad you like it!!!

Anonymous said...

your welcome :) <33

jessicasts7 said...

well, actually you are in the right point, I'm waiting for God to give the person he thinks I should be with and everybody tells me are you single? but you are 17 you should be dating someone, that's so annoying but it's just that they don't understand. I'm waiting God's plan for me. by the way you write a lot of things that happen to me it's funny and thanks to God that you love him too

PlainJane said...

Hey jess,
Don't listen to what people say. Dios sabe tu corazon. He will bring you the man you will marry. Espero que siempres sabes que dios te quiera. Listen to your heart.

jessicasts7 said...

thx mandy and yes I know he loves me it doesn't matter if I fail to him